Amber Mele'ha Wolf, Ph.D.
Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Ph.D. is an internationally known teacher, facilitator, author, recording artist, healing intuitive, and the original channel of the ©Pleiadian Star Mothers. She is the creator of the Lemurian Sisterhood, Seminars and Worldwide Sacred Circles, Lemurian Shamanism School, and Shamanic Teaching Wheel, an International Kryon team member and presenting partner of Lee Carroll, a Kryon Discovery Series producer and facilitator for over 20 years. She has been committed to healing, growth, spiritual transformation, and holistic health care and education since 1982.
“My mission and my passion are to guide the women of the world towards their unlimited potential. When we remember the spark of the divinity within us, we can move to a greater harmony, balance, and peace on the planet.”
Dr. Wolf is also a 35-year member of Self-Realization Fellowship, a past member of the 3HO Foundation, a 25-year member of the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners.

Raised in rural New England, Dr. Wolf spent her youth in nature, always feeling drawn to the ‘spirit in nature.’ This continued into adulthood when she moved to the Alaskan wilderness, where she lived for 12 years. Surviving amidst the beauty and harshness of the elements, Dr. Wolf learned indigenous healing remedies and midwifery, while deepening her relationship to the vibrations of the natural world.
Moving to Colorado in 1989 opened more doors in the health and spiritual field, as she began her full time career as a health practitioner in cranial sacral therapy and “transformational” healing. A near-death accident in 1994 brought severe head and body injuries, but also the gift and ability to experience a heightened source of energy and wisdom. The foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains have been her home and sanctuary for 28 years.
Completing her Ph.D. in 1995 in Holistic Science and Alternative Therapies, Dr. Wolf is a Certified Cranial Sacral Therapist, Certified Somatic Therapist, trained Quantum-Touch practitioner, licensed minister, Yoga Instructor and Pilates Instructor, Maxtrix Energetics practitioner, and Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. She is a member in good standing of the American CranioSacral Therapy Association, the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners and a member of ABMP, and a 20 year member of Associated Massage and BodyWork Professionals.
Dr. Wolf has been inspired to create nine Healing and Meditation Albums. Her voice brings unique healing attributes that combine with carefully selected music and binaural beats to assist you in your journey of personal empowerment and transformation.
Degrees and Certifications
- PhD, PULC, Dept. of Ed., State of CA, Sacramento, CA, 1995
- MA, PULC, Dept. of Ed., State of CA, Sacramento, CA, 1993
- BA Studies, Northern New Mexico Community College, Espanola, NM, 1988
- Matrix Energetics Practitioner Training, Level 1-II, Denver, CO, 2010
- Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, LY Int’l, 2009
- Amrit Yoga Teacher Training, Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs, FL, 2005
- Lymphatic Breast Treatment, Curties-Overzet Institute, Toronto, Canada, 2004
- SomoEmotional Release, Level 2, Upledger Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 2004
- Somatic Therapy Certification, ABMP, Golden, CO, 2000
- Ansusara Yoga Teacher Training, How To Teach Beginners, Sarasota, FL, 2003
- SomatoEmotional Release, Level 1, Upledger Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 1998
- Pilates Teacher Training, InnerMotion Studio, Boulder, CO, 1997
- CranioSacral Therapy, Level 1, Upledger Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 1996
- CranioSacral Therapy, Level 2, Upledger Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 1996
- Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Level 1-3, Salida, CO 1996
- 3HO Foundation, Sikh Dharma Ashram, Espanola, NM, 1984-1989
- The Forum, Landmark Education, Albuquerque, NM, 1987-89
- Self-Realization Fellowship Kriya Initiation, Seattle, WA, 1983
- Berkley Psychic Institute, Berkley, CA, 1981-83
- Macrobiotic Center for Health, Macrobiotic Studies, Level 1-3, Oroville, CA, 1981
- East-West Macrobiotic Center, Eureka, CA, 1981-82
Current Memberships
- American CranioSacral Therapy Association
- ABMP, Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals
- IAHP, International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners, Medallion Level Member
- Universal Life Church (Minister)
- International Association of Healthcare Practitioners
- International Natural Healers Association
- Association for Integrative Medicine
- Self-Realization Fellowship
Articles and Publications
- The Women of Lemuria, with Kryon and Monica Muranyi
- Think, Feel, Breathe, Heal; Transforming Worry Through Conscious Breathing
- Portal to the Super Conscious; How Cranial Sacral Therapy Can Aid in Healing
- Working Wonders, Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy, Upledger Institute
- The Five Tibetan Rites; the Tibetan Monks Secrets to Health and Longevity
- Do-In Exercises; the Ancient Art of Self Massage for Health and Well-Being
- Balanced Breathing; Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit
- Yogic Breathing; 2 and 4 Part Breath Harmony
- 5 Minute Stress Buster; Using Breath and Visualization to Transform Stress
- The Gathering Place Resource Magazine; monthly channeled articles, 1995-6
- Monthly On-line Newsletters