New Beginnings for Mele'ha


Did you feel the smallest full moon of 2014 as it rose in the night sky on January 15?  It was sort of a relief for me that it wasn’t too intense, and I’m glad that she passed and took the usual emotions of the full moon with her! This was really a mini-moon – a full moon at apogee, or its farthest point from the planet, which may explain the neutral feeling I had on the15th as I wrapped up the Kryon/Lemurian Sisterhood/Pineal Tones weekend in Boulder, CO. The weekend was FANTASTIC in so many ways, but I wasn’t feeling the typical intensity – or perhaps I should say the roller coaster – of some full moons…and that’s OK with me!


The first Kryon channels of 2014 (here in Boulder) given at the event, are now up on the Kryon website; it was very global in the message – global in that Kryon talked about world politics and global in the overall energy of the planet. I always appreciate a fresh look at what lies ahead, and Kryon usually gives us a positive spin, which we really need after the intensity of 2013.


A Kryon weekend in Boulder is a special yearly production that I had handled for years. Usually, we had special guests and surprises (sometimes even to me!) and it was the beginning of the year, with what had become a Boulder New Year beginning. Following the closing Kryon channel on Saturday, as we were preparing for the Lemurian Sisterhood evening, Lee asked me if I would like a Kryon channel before the meeting. Who would say ‘no’ to that? It was a big YES in a nano-second! In all the Lemurian Sisterhood meetings we’d had since 2010, it had never occurred to me to ask for this blessing, which would become a sweet tradition, on which the book, The Women of Lemuria, would be built.


Kryon had a plan, during the channel he was to honor my part in bringing the Lemurian Sisterhood back to the earth now, and also to honor me with my Lemurian name; Mele’ha – wow! That was such a beautiful surprise and the tingles went all through at the familiar sound of my Lemurian name. Kryon also said that I am blessed and honored to have awakened my Akash in the traditions of the Lemurian Sisterhood, bringing ‘her,’ Mele’ha, into the present with “new traditions” based on the sacred traditions of the ancient days.


That evening was more surprising and beautiful than I could have imagined! We had a powerful evening in the vortex of the Rocky Mountain Foothills of Boulder, and we rocked the house! Thank you and all of you! Especially my heartfelt thanks to you, my dear brother in spirit, Lee Carroll and Kryon, for anchoring the energy of this New Year. I feel like the Lemurian Sisterhood has had a new beginning, also. From the power of love for the planet as we enter 2014 together, and the gifts to come, on to new vistas with our grand intentions!


We Love Hearing From You!

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