A Road with a Fork

Yes, we’ve been through rolling waves of changes for the past 2 plus years! Those waves were more like a tsunami! Have we settled down into a little tide pool yet?
There are nuances in the words ‘shifts, morphs, and changes,’ but they distill down to one thing … our lives and times continue to be unpredictable.
It seems when my direction gets predictable, clear, and count-on-able, there’s a plot twist! My newest surprise is in completing the Star Mother’s Wisdom Teachings (that are offered on the full moons) to focus on the Shamanic Teaching Wheel. It makes sense, of course – especially to an “I can do it all” person. (Save me from myself!!)
This April’s Full Moon of the Healed Maiden will be the last in the series of 11 Wisdom Teachings. In May I’ll be on my Birthday vacation and June is the Mt Shasta event. There will be Kryon channels to the Sisterhood in Mt. Shasta, but after June… maybe not until the Fall Equinox… I await my next sacred assignment directions.
Meanwhile, beautiful ones, let’s write a ‘best seller’ every day with a plot twist of a happy surprise that stimulates our joy and imagination!