Beam me up, Shasta!

Magnetics can be a voice that calls to us- those people and places that touch us and just we know. Mt. Shasta is one of those places for me. Tomorrow I will be there and the anticipation is delicious! Since my first visit to Shasta in 2011 with Lee Carroll and Kryon, I’ve been linked in an unexpected way to the Mountain. Is it magnetics, or past lives, or this present life – or all of the above?

ShastaSelfie2Spirit guided me to this undeniable state of connection and enchantment with Mt. Shasta very slowly over twenty years! Still, during my two trips there in 2011 and 2013 I didn’t go up on the Mountain – imagine! I only looked and I felt its magic and majesty profoundly touch and affect me each time.

 And in perfect Divine timing, I am coming full circle, this August 25-29, when I will be presenting a Retreat with Andrew Oser whom Kryon has called the “Master of the Mountain.” I want to connect you, my dear Family, with this Mountain magic by offering a Mt. Shasta Meditation Call with Andrew and me on April 23 at 7 pm. We’ll do a guided meditation together in the energy of the Mountain and the energy of Sacred Masculine/Sacred Feminine. We will also discuss our upcoming Retreat on August 25-29, Living As Your Awakened Self On Earth.

 Last year, 2014, the Mountain brought me back three times in four months! My first trip to Ascension Rock last June shaped a benevolent, indelible (re)connection with the energy of the Mountain. I ask myself, “How can 85 cubic miles of rock mass hold so much for me?” Then I take a breath and let go of my mind’s distraction, becoming present to the feeling right now, which is both wonderfully delicious and deeply profound.

I look forward to sharing 4 1/2 mystical and magical days with those of you who are called to the Mountain in August. The energy, love, magnetics and healing are there for all of us! Experience the Divine mirror of the Mountain through the Meditation Call, the Retreat, the quantum field or the crystalline Grid of Gaia, and the awakening energy of Springtime!

We Love Hearing From You!

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