Becoming the Next Lemuria

The world is changing so fast, and we are trying to keep our balance! We need to take our fate and our destiny into our own hands and hearts. There are many ways to do that – so many wonderful teachers, sages, and channels helping us through the transition into light. But we can’t just listen; we need things that we can act on, that can actually influence our own lives. Let me tell you one way that you can create a new future for yourself and how we can support each other as we do.
The Wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers
The Pleiadian Star Mothers have shown me our past, the present, and our future. From that, I have their loving wisdom and teaching instructions for our life in the Next Lemuria, returning to the Garden, the new humanity.
You may not remember the final days of Lemuria, or maybe you do. As we explore that time of transition, you can see how it relates to a new future of light for today’s humanity. When we remember and reactivate the deeper mystical teachings that we received in ancient Mu, we will bring the world back into balance.
Reactivating Ancient Wisdom for Modern Balance
In Lemuria, the Pleiadian Star Mothers put us on a course for a spiritual future. We were guided to create a new humanity, an opportunity that we have once again now. It is no coincidence that their teachings have come to current awareness to help guide us through these times!
A Journey Through Time with the Last Priestess of Lemuria
Welcome to We Are the Next Lemuria, The Evolution of the Crystalline Human, with me, Amber Mele’ha Wolf, PhD – the Last Priestess of Lemuria – as your guide. What better person to take you on a memory journey through the last days of Lemuria and what came next for humanity?
In the final days of Lemuria, the Star Mothers knew where we were heading as a divine/human culture and that it would take many thousands of years for our divinity to percolate with our humanity to create an ascended and inhabited planet. That time has come. We are surfing the wave as the Age of Aquarius opens the gates to a new planet and the time for a new humanity.
The Power of Community and Coherence
We don't do this alone… that is the best part. We have our Pleiadian Star Mothers and our Lemurian DNA as guides, and we have our community. As our community connects, we have more opportunity to increase the magic of our coherence that holds the sacred heart space for our evolution.
BEing the Evolution: Embracing the Light
Unlike any other time on this magnificent planet, we are here to BE the evolution, in a conscious, light-filled way. What a thrilling time to be alive!