Feeling Lemurian Presence

(Hint, It is a lot easier than you think!)

How exactly would you feel the presence of Lemurians or Pleiadians? Does it take some imagination, or do you feel an immediate “Yes, please!” If you’ve ever had a visitation or and out of the body experience, perhaps you know a similar feeling. For some, it’s a love wash… that beautiful feeling that washes over us when we experience the unconditional love of spirit… sooo sweet! Or it could be a feeling of deep peace.

Our celestial birth Mothers~ Our divine spark, or spiritual essence, was given to us in Lemuria by the Pleiadian Star Mothers… our multi-dimensional, divine birth mothers! There are so many cultures whose creation story is that they “come from the stars.” That is why we are born with a ‘bowl of light (as the Hawaiians say) inside of us. Like a physical genetic trait, their divine spark is still within our DNA – good news! From day one of my channeling the Pleiadian Star Mothers their message has been, “A part of us is inside of you.”

“We are as close as a thought,” the Star Mothers also say, at the end of each of their channeled messages. In other words, if we just think of them, and they are with us! WE can call them in with our thoughts. That sounds easy, but so much of the time, our thoughts are busy and scattered. Have you wanted a deeper connection to them? How would you like to change that? It isn’t difficult, but it does take practice, dedication, but most of all it begins with a big, healthy dose of self-love.

Let me ask you this question~ given that we are their divine children, shouldn’t self-love should be easy for us? Answer, yes it should be, but most of the time it’s not. But each time you love yourself in some small way (and there are so many ways!) you are on the road to recovering your divine spark! It’s a process, a journey, this human/divine thing. But that’s why we’re here now isn’t it?

Even a brief thought of self-love can bring us back to the memory our connection to the Creative Source. Or you can imagine, “What would a Star Mother say to me right now?” You might be beautifully surprised by an intuitive message or a sweet love wash. There is only love and benevolence for us when we connect to our dear the Star Mothers. That is their on-going gift to us.

When you’d like to connect with them, you can begin by feeling their presence in your awareness, or your imagination anytime – no special tools or gear necessary! It might help to close your eyes and breathe into a centering place, maybe some music, or candles… have a little ceremony and just ask for the beautiful Mothers to come to you. Prayers can be answered, especially by those who hold us so dear.

May the love wash be with you, dear ones ~ Amber Mele’ha


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