Like Starlight in our Hands

I am inspired by this picture that ‘found me’ after a deeply moving experience with the Kryon channel to the Lemurian Sisterhood in Salem, MA on my birthday.


As I listened to the words and felt the energy, my palms pulsated like crazy! I often feel that, but this time it was as if tiny points of light were penetrating my hands, in a good, tingly way. I felt like I was receiving an energetic upgrade as the pulsations went up my arms through my shoulders and down into my chest, heart then into my belly. Wow! The first rush simmered down, and my whole body was pulsing softly.


What a delicious birthday gift! If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the channel, here it is for you to feel into. Being in Salem for my 66 Solar return was very synchronous, and then we had 66 Goddesses turn up for the Lemurian Sisterhood Circle. Spirit is always messing with me (smile)!


I’m very much looking forward to the Family Reunion at the Kryon Summer Light Conference in Sedona, AZ. Holding the Sedona Star Dance on Saturday night, June 6 will be a blast – high-energy dancing and rocking out under the stars after days of indoor inactivity. Please join us for fun and great exercise.
Then on Monday evening, June 8, I will hold an outdoor meeting of the Lemurian Sisterhood/Brotherhood with KRYON delivering a special channeling. GUYS – this is your chance! Everywhere I go the men are asking to partake in the Sacred Circle, so this is for you!


In connecting the Grid to the other side of the country, I want to remind you that the early bird savings cut-off date for the Mount Shasta Retreat this August 25-29, w with Andrew Oser is fast approaching on JUNE 1. I’m blessed to share the healing energy of Shasta with those of you who are called, and with Andrew, whom Kryon has called the “Master of the Mountain.” Here is more information about the Retreat Living As Your Awakened Self On Earth.


It can be easy to forget our beauty and light in our busy and often overwhelming lives. For me, the frequencies of Mt. Shasta gently strip away the ‘forgetting’ and mirror the peace and simplicity of my divinity – that is what I take back with me after time on the Mountain. I look forward to sharing 4 1/2 mystical and magical days with you there in the energy, love, magnetics, and healing!

We Love Hearing From You!

Do you have questions, reflections, or just want to connect? You can reach us at: