Symptoms of Ascension

This post’s title comes from our most recent addition to the Lemurian Sisterhood Sacred Circles Emissary family, Heather Hodovance, of Flagler Beach, FL. She started a discussion group called, Symptoms of Ascension. Can you relate? It seems we are all experiencing that in some form, aren’t we? And instead of feeling disconnected by these symptoms, she chose to be proactive and m-o-v-e the energy! Thank you, Heather, for your inspiration!

I have traveled the globe and experienced many of you who are feeling overloaded and overwhelmed (myself included at times). We can feel driven to keep up with many things: technology and social media – check, the latest bad news – check, health concerns – check, politics – check…no wonder! Finding ourselves in a mass planetary shift (yes, I know we chose to be here now) can be exhausting. How do we live, love, and prosper through these times? Perhaps this will help:

  1. First always, start by taking care of yourself, no matter what! (you know how they say on airplanes, ‘put your oxygen mask on first before assisting anyone else‘ – that’s it!). Start your day with ME time. What do you love to do to feel your best – dancing, meditation, a run, writing, yoga? Do it first!
  2. Celebrate yourself! Next time you pass a mirror, STOP, and say out loud, I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE AMAZING! Movie star, Jamie Lee Curtis has posted saying that she says it 100 times a day in the mirror; now that’s a dedication to transformation! The more often the better – if you don’t who else will? This will decrease your body’s acidity and stabilize your blood pressure, blood sugar, and pulse rate – not to mention make you smile!
  3. Take little breaks during the day. Schedule these! Even if it’s only 2 minutes of Balanced Breathing, or Heart Focused breathing…just 2 minutes will lower your cortisol (a life-sustaining overworked adrenal hormone) level and increase your ‘feel good’ hormones; serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine.
  4.  Walk away from technology and out the door! Get up from sitting every hour for at least 10 minutes. Just a 10-minute walk (swinging your arms helps) outdoors can rebalance your brain hemispheres and increase your circulation.
  5. Stop ‘should-ing’ on yourself! For example: “I should exercise more, I should lose ten pounds, I should take the stairs, I should, I should.” Either DO it or DON’T, stop the harsh judgments! It’s OK if you do, it’s OK if you don’t. Be gentler and more accepting of your wonderful Self!
  6. Be grateful OUT LOUD – Remember that your cells are listening! Our cells are filled with water and vibrate to spoken and unspoken words. Say your appreciations out loud, even if you’re the only one listening! You are the most important one hearing

You can start small. Perhaps begin by practicing ONE thing ONCE a day and feel your self-love and overall health expand! May you continue with the symptoms of Divine Ascension and may the Light of the Divine touch your hearts and be multiplied and sent out into the world! We are all One Humanity, and you matter! 

Click on the the link to learn more about Lemurian Sisterhood Sacred Circles Emissary program.


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