The Year of Divinity



We never know when we will catch an ‘ah-ha’ moment. A few mornings ago, I was listening to the Kryon channel from Laguna Beach again and heard something ‘new’ - or something I hadn’t heard before, that made me sit up and take notice, as they say.. It was the last 2013 channel. Kryon said that 2014 is the Year of Divinity- a ‘seven’ year in numerology. For me this was very good news; but after the events of 2013, almost anything would be better.


On November 29, our dear friend, Stony (Charlie Stoneciper) had a fatal heart attack in his Arvada home. I am deeply touched by the loss of my dear friend and he was my beloved Sid’s Body Talk© protégé, and in many ways they were soul mates in the healing world. It’s so strange to me how these two wonderful men, whose hearts were full of love, so giving and caring, had such faulty physical hearts that took them from us.


Stony’s service was Wednesday, and I had the honor of speaking for the healing community about this exceptional man. Stony was a police officer, and ‘the weird one’ the only metaphysically leaning cop around! There are many connections and synchronicities with Stony. We met him about 12 years ago, and he and Sid just clicked. Stony and his wife Beth were our patients and friends for many years. Three years ago, on New Year’s Eve, Sid and I married them in their home. This was the last of several weddings Sid and I performed together – coincidentally or not. Stony passed the day before Sid’s birthday (again not coincidentally) and 2 days before their 3rd anniversary, and in 2013. When I told Lee (who knew him well) about Stony’s passing he said, ‘Yes, it’s still 2013.’ I have learned this year that being left behind seems a lot worse than letting go of this life.


Now, here we are on the other side of The Year of Recalibration (2013, also known as the Year of Full Moons and the Year of Poop, a Lee-ism!) in the Year of Divinity, 2014, I am hoping. Are you ready for a fresh start? I'm looking forward to Lee and Kryon's visit in Boulder and channel for this New Year - and fresh inspiration!  Also, I’m having my FIRST Lemurian Sisterhood/Flame of the Goddess meeting for 2014 in my home state, so that riding the wave of the Kryon energy sounds good to me, too! The sacred flame in the ‘7’ year feels deliciously perfect and like a big breath out to me!


If you aren't able to join us in person, remember the Kryon channels at and the Kryon channels to the Lemurian Sisterhood, We are always in touch always through the Crystalline Grid of Gaia, our Old Soul Pleiadian DNA, and by our personal energy Grids! I’d love for you to tune in with you and create a beautiful web of connections! Holding You in  the Light and Love of the Divine~ Amber


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