When Timing Simply ‘Is’

In the channel, Kryon is speaking about timing, specifically that Lee had missed a plane and the meeting was delayed by 6 hours. For me this series of realizations unfolded: it is almost 11.11 again, and I will be in Colombia next week when it is. This will also be the third anniversary of my first Lemurian Sisterhood workshop ever, which took place in South America on 11.11.11. I didn’t plan it this way; this is strictly the synchronicity of Spirit. It’s almost comical as Spirit winks at me, saying, “Don’t be so surprised; you do believe in Divine Timing, after all!” Yes I do, and yet the synchronicity of this timing is just now dawning on this groggy human mind, that has been grounded in the details of preparing for this trip.

Even though Spiritual awakening has been my life’s path, when the activation of my Lemurian DNA happened on 9.9.11 I was stunned! I had no particular expectation that day; I wasn’t even asking in that moment…but I was in deep surrender, and I still didn’t see it coming! I am usually in a place of asking and waiting – you know the drill: trusting in Divine timing, trying to be patient, surrender, then wondering and asking again, then waiting, rinse and repeat.

Exactly a month later (that would be 10.10.11 – synchronistically) I told Lee Carroll about my Lemurian awakening activation adding, “I don’t have to do anything with this, I’m just feeling blessed to have had the experience. I don’t need to be in charge of anything or add to my already very full plate-of-life, and I don’t need to create anything.” He replied, “it's okay…you are in charge and you should create a Workshop for women at our 11.11.11 event in Argentina. You’ll know what to do.” Again, I was stunned! My inner voice was going nuts; “What- me? A bi-lingual workshop on a topic I know nothing about!?! EEK!” But I sat there with Lee, and quietly said a simple “okay.” Somewhere deep inside of me there was a deep trust that this would all unfold perfectly, and you know what? It did!

Since that fateful day almost three years ago, that ‘workshop for women’ has become the ever-growing Workshop and blossoming community of the Lemurian Sisterhood. On this 3rd anniversary – the mystical cosmic 3 – anything magical is liable to happen, and I’m fine with that!

The Initiation and Activation energies have been amp-ing up with each meeting, and the last one, in Myrtle Beach, SC, was intergalactic! I say this not just from my own experience, but from feedback that is still arriving in my inbox, weeks later. Whatever was going on in the planets, stars and my own Akash, a new level of transmission from the Lemurian/Pleiadian well-spring is connecting with me. The words ‘live-stream’ came after the event when I was reflecting on the intensity of energy, the quality of the information and waves of love that came through. There was so much energy, if fact, that I was guided to share it with the participants for their healing. Of course being the natural detective that I am I asked, “Will there be more?” In the space of less than a blink I felt a big ripple of energy touching my crown chakra and whoosh down my body, leaving me a little breathless and very happy!

My ‘job’ as I see it is to keep this physical vessel regenerated so that this beautiful unfolding can continue. I feel blessed and honestly amazed that this energy has opened and healed so much of me – and that I get to share it! In Myrtle Beach, during Lee’s lecture time, he said that God wants us to be happy, to be joyful, and even dance a little – so I’m for that! More dancing, more gratitude and celebration! More deep breaths and more delicious surrender to the love of God – and Goddess, of course (smile).

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