Will You Still Need Me?

goddess day retail therapy

I don’t often share my ‘off time’ adventures with you, but this one… special, unusual, a gift, an awakening? Maybe all of the above.

Here’s what happened. My friend Deb and I were out for a Goddess Day; breakfast, errands, and fun! Our first stop was a retail chain I visit regularly because I like small stores with actual people to help me.

We were exploring the racks when an ‘elderly woman,’ clearly a bit older than us, was trying on the same sweater as Deb, with the help of a friend or maybe daughter, probably about 20 years younger than she. We were all chatting and having fun.

Later the woman was at the check-out line in front of me with the evidence of her very successful shop. While chatting up the clerk, she asked her friend to grab the turquoise earrings on the wall a few feet away, which she did. Then she turned around to the rest of us in the line holding up her prize earrings and said, “Can you believe it? I’m still buying earrings at 91 years old!” Me: “Wait… what… ninety-one?!?!?” My brain went sideways but my face was smiling big!

I’m still inspired by that moment, chuckling and grateful. Thank you Spirit as I celebrate her and the ‘wake up call’ of my aging/ageism conditioning – let that go! Here’s to facing shadows, old programs and conditioning, and dancing our way to the light!

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