Lemurian Codes – English
The Lemurian Activation Codes for Healing are the foundation of a system for reawakening the original encoded Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians long ago. The Activation Codes have been placed energetically in 11 cards with images and words and are programmed, through the crystalline Merkaba, to connect the physical points on the body where the information of the Pleiadian Star Template is stored waiting to evoke the Akashic memory.
Buy English Cards HERE
The information and images on the cards have been brought forth from the Akashic remembrance of Lemurian Priestess, Mele’ha, Dr. Amber Wolf, and the visionary artist extraordinaire, Aurelien Pumayana Floret. From their own remembrances, these words and images appear together for the first time. The direction of Spirit brought together these two old souls living in different cultures and countries to be of service to humanity. They have trusted the magic of synchronicity and Divine timing in this creation. It is their passion to assist in the reawakening of the Lemurian/ Pleiadian consciousness of self-empowerment and the ability of spiritual humans to be self-balancing. The Lemurian Activation Codes are for anyone who would like to evoke the memories of the Lemurian Akash and develop their ability to create self-healing in their lives.
Originally placed in our DNA genetic code in Lemuria, we carry the memory of our gifts, skills, and capabilities in the crystalline Merkaba of our DNA cellular memory. When awakened and revealed, we bring these tools to our lives to use today.
We are with you to explore the greatest awakening of your Age, the truth of who you are as Divine creators. Breathe in and invite the expanded consciousness of the One Source to resonate through all the cells of your Being. You hold in your hands a story of humanity’s spiritual unfolding in the grace and timing of the Divine plan.
– The Pleiadian Star Mothers
The beginning of spiritual awareness and higher consciousness was brought to the human experience on Earth by the Pleiadian Seven Sisters (our Star Mothers). Lemuria was to be a living Garden of Eden and was the beginning of the consensual experiment for humanity to live as an awakened spiritual civilization. This opportunity was given to us in sacred trust to be nurtured and honored. The template for the entire planet to one day carry spiritual consciousness, was set in Lemuria.
The human genetic code was opened, by the Pleiadian Star Mothers. and activated to create the shift. From a merely physical human, with the inherent support systems for the physical body, a reasoning mind, and the ability to focus in order to find food and shelter, a higher conscious and spiritually aware human was born. The genome was also programmed to be active or lie dormant for long periods of time. Human DNA was a friendly environment for this grand experiment. After the genetic code was opened, changes and adjustments were made, the guidance system was installed so that humans had a vehicle for the soul’s evolution that hadn’t been available before.
During the original genetic encoding, each of the Pleiadian Star Mothers energetically took up ‘residence’ along the human spine where they placed seven activation points. A simulation of each star continues to be embedded in the crystalline grid of the human energy field. These points are concentrated along the spine at glandular, nerve, and bony centers as placeholders for specific vibrations. Each energy center builds on the previous one as the magic and mystery of spiritual awareness and expanded consciousness unfolds. Along this framework, the energy of spiritual consciousness was carried from its root upwards, connecting the human from its origins in the dirt of the Earth and grounding in the benevolence of Gaia, to the One Divine Source. Humanity sprang upwards from the earth, toward the sky like the Tree of Life, encoded with the potential to live as spiritual human Beings.
In the New Energy
The Lemurian/Pleiadian experiment in awakened spiritual consciousness has been quietly waiting in the memory of humanity for eons. It is carried in the old soul’s Akashic Record, their internal crystalline grid, and in their genetic code. Since the Great Shift of 12/21/2012 when the portals of the Akashic Timeline opened, old souls have been resonating with the memories of past lives as realized beings and searching to live as spiritually integrated humans once again. Now, the key in the lock has turned and the miraculous journey of the human being with Divine consciousness is ready to unfold! The marker has been passed. It is time to resurrect the sacred ceremonies and balancing methods of the past and push them into the future. – Kryon
The Lemurian Activation Codes for Healing are the foundation of a system for reawakening the originally encoded Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians o long ago. The Activation Codes have been placed energetically in 11 cards, with images and words, and are programmed to connect the physical points on the body where the information of the Star Template is stored waiting to evoke the Lemurian Akashic memory.
The information and images on the cards have been brought forth from the Akashic remembrance of Lemurian Priestess Mele’ha, Dr. Amber Wolf, and the visionary artist extraordinaire, Aurelien Pumayana Floret. From their own remembrances, these words and images appear together for the first time. The direction of Spirit brought together these two old souls living in different cultures and countries to be of service to humanity together. They have trusted the magic of synchronicity and Divine timing in this creation. It is their passion to assist in the reawakening of the Lemurian/Pleiadian consciousness of self-empowerment and the ability of spiritual humans to be self-balancing.
This system is meant to clear a pathway for reawakening you to your own unique inner place of knowing, a place where your own brilliant light can shine forth. Once you have done the initial Activation, please feel free to use the cards in other ways that you may intuit. For example, you may want to draw one card as ‘daily inspiration’, or 2 cards, one to bring support to the other. Let the cards speak to you and you to them. They are tools for transformation brought through in service to humanity.
As you practice with the cards you will begin to feel, hear and trust your intuitive inner voice. Your connection to the One Divine Source will be heightened. From there, we anticipate that the continued awakening of your inner authority could manifest in surprising and magical ways. Be open to the energy of the ‘third language’, that of energy.
May you find true alignment with your sacred mission on Earth.
– Amber Mele’ha and Aurelien Pumayana
By elegantly blending colors, sacred geometry, and fractals, Aurelien Pumayana Floret’s artwork allows us to see the unseen and feel the deeper levels of our true selves. The intention within each of his artwork pieces in his pieces is to connect past, present, and future with the qualities of love, peace, harmony, joy, compassion, freedom, prosperity, abundance, knowledge, wisdom, clarity, health, strength, courage, and connection to the all-that-is. Each piece is created with those vibrations rippling out in all directions into the Multiverse, creating a grid around Gaia, setting up a frequency that helps facilitate the new paradigm shift on the planet. The artwork is a mirror, a transmitter and a portal of these qualities for each of us and a place to hold and share this energy. Through this work, we are assisted in uplifting our vibration and alignment to our true nature to enhance the connection to all sentient beings with those prime qualities. So be it. www.pumayana.com and www.luminaya.com
Since her Akashic Awakening in 2011, Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Ph.D., has been channeling information from her Lemurian teachers. The Pleiadian Star Mothers guided her to create the Lemurian Codes for Healing cards as an intuitive system for clearing the body and attuning it with the higher vibrations of the old soul’s Awakened Akash.
Along with her healing practice and her travels throughout the world with Lee Carroll and Kryon, Amber Mele’hais the creator and facilitator of the Lemurian Sisterhood. Through the Sacred Circles of the Lemurian Sisterhood she continues to receive and channel information and guidance with the Lemurian energies. Each initiation and activation she receives helps her lovingly steward the evolution of the Lemurian Sisterhood to help bridge ancient wisdom with modern knowledge. www.amberwolfphd.com