Zero Point Equinox Balance


As our planet comes to a zero balance point in both hemispheres, let us bring our commUnity together creating a wave of loving balance. Those of you who are ShaWomen and ShaMen, it is time for you to stand at the center of the Circle of Balance and be the teachers you came here to be. Kryon and the Star Mothers will be making guest appearances!


The Shamanic Teaching Wheel

Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness Membership

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Dear Old Soul, there is no mistake that you find yourself here. 

Your ancient Akash resonates with this information and the powerful memories of these teachings. Through the Shamanic Teaching Wheel, your sense of a higher purpose and mission can come alive!

At long last, the world is ready for the shift to the divine feminine. We find ourselves at the front of the wave of this global transformation.

Together we stand at the Gateway of new beginnings with the Shamanic Teaching Wheel to guide us!

This Shamanic Gateway is your opportunity to step forward. As a member of this community of wisdom-keepers, you accept your role as a modern ShaWoman's and wayshower in today’s world. The Star Mothers have been waiting for you to rediscover your Old Soul destiny for 100,000 years.

The wait is over, the time is NOW, and the choice is yours!

Being called to Shamanship is a time-honored sacred responsibility. Are YOU ready to venture deep into the world of the ShaWoman’s wisdom?

Membership Plans



Automatic renewal




2 months free


Coming Soon

Expanding the Wheel

Join the Celebration LIVE with Dr. Amber Mele'ha Wolf and the Pleiadian Star Mothers. The beautiful Pleiadian Star Mothers keep the information flow of their life enhancing teachings flowing in! What is ahead for the Shamanic Teaching Wheel Community on Side Two of the sacred teaching wheel? Our community keep expanding and deepening as we continue to explore the activation of our Lemurian Akashic memories. Join us LIVE by signing up here. There will be time for Q and A as well as a Star Mother's Channel!

Register Now

Amber Mele'ha Wolf, Ph.D.

Amber Mele'ha Wolf, Ph.D. is an internationally known teacher, facilitator, author, recording artist, healing intuitive, and channel of the Pleiadian Star Mothers. She is an International Kryon team member and a 10-year presenting partner of Lee Carroll.

By accessing her awakened Lemurian Akash she has created the growing community of the Lemurian Sisterhood with seminars online and in-person around the world.

Given the Lemurian name Mele’ha by Kryon in 2014, she continues to receive ‘sacred assignments’ and directions from the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon. Most recently these divine directions have led to the creation of the Lemurian Shamanism School and specifically the Shamanic Teaching Wheel. She has created a school for teaching teachers – ShaWomen, not the general public - because women are the ones who have the tools, the ability, and intuition to absorb and use it; practical Shamanism, as taught by Mele’ha.

She has been committed to transformational healing, spiritual growth, and holistic health care and education since 1982, and her mission is to assist you in your journey of personal empowerment and transformation.