Worldwide Sacred Circles

Hello dear Goddesses!  Kryon has revealed so much about the Sisterhood and our Worldwide Sacred Circles ~ I’m so honored, humbled, and inspired! Here is a link to the Kryon channels from the Lemurian Sisterhood® meetings ~ thank you all (and our  Pleiadian Star Mothers, our Ancient Ancestors) for the magic and healing that has been created in our community.

Women everywhere are called to honor their Divine Feminine and to recreate the Sacred Circles from lifetimes ago. Sacred Circles focus on a community, a Sisterhood of women who come together to empower the Feminine in each of us. Together, this builds a field of energy that connects all women as Sacred Sisters – from each one of us, a Goddess Grid is growing!

During each Sacred Circle meeting the wisdom of the Divine Feminine is invoked and ignited, through the teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mothers, as the women in the circle activate, meditate, sing and celebrate their Lemurian Akash together. The Circle is a safe and sacred place where women begin to feel and know their Akashic history, their power, their beauty, and their perfection.

We are Sisters together in the greatest awakening of our Age and together we are supporting each other as we create a balanced planet and plant the seeds of peace on Mother Earth.

To become an *Emissary, or *Affiliate begin by filling out and submitting the application and emailing it to [email protected]. We will contact you for a personal meeting to review your application and go over the details of the programs. May the wisdom of the Goddess guide you.

*The words ‘Lemurian Sisterhood and any Lemurian Sisterhood logos are Registered Trademarks and cannot be used without my express permission, as well as any excerpts or direct quotes or any teachings from the Lemurian Sisterhood, Shamanic Teaching Wheel, or Sacred Circle meetings. Please contact my office if you have any questions.

In loving service, Amber Mele’ha

The Goddess in me recognizes and honors the Goddess in you.

As the Goddess in you recognizes and honors the Goddess in me.

When I am in that place in me, and you are in this place in you,

There is only one of us. Peace on Earth begins within.

*Emissary: Would you like to help grow a community that is sharing core spiritual truths? Are you inspired to share the beautiful teachings of our Pleiadian ancestors? We’d love to have you be a part of our Emissary Program because we’d love to reach more women like you! Become a leader and mentor while you facilitate women everywhere in exploring and revealing their true and powerful divine feminine nature - in balance and in service to humanity. We'd love to give you more information at: [email protected]

*Affiliate: Join the many women who are inspired to share the Pleiadian Star Mother's teachings. We offer a program for you to connect your friends to the ancient wisdom of the Star Mothers to enhance their lives, while you enjoy a revenue share of each program that you sell. Please email us at: for full details.

We Love Hearing From You!

Do you have questions, reflections, or just want to connect? You can reach us at: 
[email protected]